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13029 W. Linebaugh Ave Suite 101 Tampa, FL 33626 | 813.855.4982

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  1. It’s a Realtor’s exclusive New homes search site, simply designed to maximize your search time and boost your sales and earning potential.
  2. New Homes Living is designed so you can work smarter and be more productive in less time selling new homes.
  3. Time is money!  No more hours upon hours doing research going from one Builder’s website to another to find which new homes to show buyers.  Simply go to NewHomesLiving.com and select your search criteria.
  4. Even though many buyers begin their home searches online, NAR informs us that 78% end up using a Realtor because they want to have representation.
  5. Builders have inventory to accommodate your buyers timeline.  Our database inventory also includes “Custom Building” and “On Your Lot” building.

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